Ships by Class/Type: Military Small Craft
For topics on PT boats, landing craft, Vietnam riverine, etc.
LSSC - for Welcome to the Nam Campaign
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Lisboa, Portugal
Joined: February 28, 2002
KitMaker: 5,182 posts
Model Shipwrights: 4,070 posts
Posted: Monday, August 15, 2005 - 11:32 PM UTC
Hi all!

Although I know that this is not the palce to post Campaign related posts/treads, since the warship area is a little on the sleapy side, here it goes... a little boat:

Dragon 1/35 LSSC - my entry for "Welcome to the Nam" Campaign

I intended to make a dio with the full crew and a Sampan, but on last friday when opened the box (more than a decade old) I found out that the seal team was missing (I probably misplaced it or give it away - not sure!)
I don't want to just place the pilot and the gunner... So much for the plan
It was time for the back up plan - I will skip the dio and the crew, but built it and weather it properly and give it a nice wooden base...

The building was pretty straight forward and taking advantage of yestarday being a hollyday (here in Portugal) I build it, gave the base coat and painted it in tamiya Olive Drab. Now I will wait for the the paint to dry properly and will start to weather it. Artists oils and maybe some pastels will do the trick I think that during the next weekend it will be ready!

Enough of talk, let's get to the pics:

Building done

Another view

And after the OD

More pics in my gallery - comments welcome
