Scratchbuilt LCM6 Landing Craft

Onward to the Beach!

Armed with what I thought were enough references I made a start.

I was originally going to make a full size model and put it on the back of a Dragon Wagon but it leaves an awfully large space inside the LCM and I wanted to try and fill it. My intention is that the model will eventually rest on resin waves on a nice base but I just haven’t had time to get round to it yet. Once I had decided to make a waterline model I had to choose where I wanted it to be. I think that I had three choices, either the Pacific, D-Day or the Rhine crossing. The Pacific or D-Day would suggest Navy grey colour schemes and the Rhine crossing olive drab. As I wanted the vehicles to be olive drab that ruled out the Rhine. I recently purchased the LVT 4 so that is going to be my Pacific model, that left D-Day.

I can’t find any photographic evidence for LCM 6’s hitting the beach on the 6th so I decided that my model would be of the follow up forces. At a recent show I picked up the M20 for half price and the Dodge was next to nothing in a bargain box. The only real expense was on the Dragon and Tamiya figures and the Hornet heads. I bought the plastic card at my friends shop so overall this was going to be a cheap project.

I am afraid that I did not record exactly what thickness’ of card and strip I used. I just used what looked right according to my references. I made the basic shape from very thick card. It was so thick that I had to cut it with a cutting wheel in my mini drill. It is very important to get the basic construction straight and level. No amount of paint and filler can hide fundamental errors.

Copyright ©2002 - Text and Photos by Andy Wright. All Rights Reserved.

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Didn't realize this original post was so old. Andy mentions he heard rumors of theVerlinden LCM3. Still a great job
APR 29, 2004 - 05:19 AM
a very nice build and thanks for the info about widening the Dodge tyres I would never have thought of that.
APR 29, 2004 - 09:03 AM
Hi Jon, I don't come back to these comments much now as I submitted this article some time ago. I can photocopy plans for you if you wish, Andy Sunny Southend on Sea
JUN 07, 2004 - 04:03 AM
was that particular type of landing craft used by the british during WW2? cheers joe
JUN 07, 2004 - 04:08 AM
Hi Andy and others, You mention hearing of the Verlinden Kit. Yes, I have one and have started it. I'd like to post some 'progress photos' if I find out how. Several people have mentioned sailors, yes, very rare, I have several Verlinden Army figures which I am converting with Milliput and Hornet heads. So far they look great. Your work is unequaled Andy, such attention to detail. Best, Pat [email protected]
AUG 10, 2004 - 06:38 AM
The only comment I can make is WOW!!!!!! The detail is fantastic and bordering on obsessive compulsive (grin)
AUG 10, 2004 - 09:41 AM
great job!! wish I could see more!! Ron
FEB 13, 2005 - 10:41 AM
This is terrific work! I hope you are still coming back, though, Andy, because I am dying to know who you found that knows anything at all about LCMs, and how I can contact ... him? her? them? I am also working on a diorama, the LCM(3) that was one of the command boats of the Special Engineering Task Force on Omaha Beach, depicting the moment the boat drops the ramp (which is to say, before it actually falls open). But I cannot figure out how to operate the darn boat! I assume the pilot does it, but how? What position of the engine throttles is "full ahead?" Stuff like that... John A.
MAR 17, 2006 - 05:29 AM
Hi John, The Histoire and Collections book on DDay units is great although it is not specifically about LCMS. Mostly i just trawled the net to some pretty obscure sites! I've never seen any clear pictures or drawings of the inside of the wheelhouse but I do know that early models had an exposed winch that was amoured over on later models. The early ones appear to be manully operated. regards Andy
AUG 15, 2006 - 08:14 PM
Yow, an OLD thread resurrected! In answer to John A's question: get a copy of the "Engineer Amphibian Troops Manual for Boat Crews" from Wasy 1 Productions. It has lots of great drawings and photos and should answer most of your questions. Unfortunately, it doesn't have good pics or drawings of the .50 cal. MG mounts, which is what I am seeking for my LCM3. http://www.easy1productions.com/
AUG 16, 2006 - 10:00 AM