U.S.S. Brooklyn CL-40

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"MSW Crew-mate Jeff Herne shares this excellent full build feature of a dynamite duo, the U.S.S. Brooklyn CL-40, and her Tug tender!"

Build Breakdown
KITS: 1/700 Niko Models U.S.S. Nashville, 1944, BattleFleet Models 1/700 Tugboat

PAINTS: White Ensign ColourCoats U.S. Navy 5-N Navy Blue, 5-H Haze Gray, 20-B Deck Blue, Vallejo Black

WEATHERING: Grumbacher Payne’s Gray, Black, MMP Rust, Liquitex Acrylic Gel Medium

THEATER: Central Pacific c. 1944

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate Construction, Intermediate Painting

One of my old pals back in New Jersey once described himself as a ‘Renaissance Modeler”, meaning that he was as comfortable building a tank as he was a ship or aircraft. So I think I’ll shamelessly borrow that term when describing the direction I’ve taken with my modeling lately.

As a modeler, I’m all over the map. I’ll build just about anything as long as it interests me, and scale isn’t always a factor. My last few projects have all been on the large side, both in terms of physical size and complexity, so I thought I’d go back to my roots and try my hand at a 1/700 scale resin ship. Several subjects interested me, but it wasn’t until I spoke to Bill Gruner from Pacific Front Hobbies that I learned about a relatively new resin ship producer, Niko Models, from Poland. Bill assured me this was one of the nicest kits I’d ever build, and who am I to doubt a ship-only hobby shop owner? Bill offered to send me something to prove his point.

A few days later, a box arrived containing the Niko Models U.S.S. Nashville, a Brooklyn-class light cruiser. Careful examination verified Bill’s comments, this was a spectacular-looking kit, perfectly cast, with fine details and an extensive photo-etched brass fret.

So I cleared the bench and had at it!

About the Author

About Jeff Herne (Angry_Ensign)

What's to say...been there, done that, got the stupid T-shirt to prove it. I've ran an air museum, worked for FSM, started my own mag, and I run a little internet webstore called Modelerswarehouse. In my spare time, I try my best to have something that resembles a life, but I find it easier to lock ...


Hi Jeff (again) I really like reading out your article and it was interesting to see a different way of building these small "beasts" - perhaps that's why yours are better than mine Flawless all the way, good water environment, nice touch with the BFM big tug, but... there are missing some crew members! IMHO if you are going to make a particular scene like this with the tug, you have to make it manned Thanks for sharing it and welcome back to 1/700 Rui
JUL 07, 2008 - 04:47 AM
Adding the tug just made a good build even better. Just those little extras change the whole scene. Thanks for sharing!
JUL 07, 2008 - 06:11 AM
Thanks for sharing more views of your excellent build Jeff. Always interesting stuff coming off of your bench, no matter what the scale. Looking forward to more.
JUL 07, 2008 - 11:20 AM
Great stuff as usual Jeff. Kenny
JUL 07, 2008 - 03:55 PM
Fantastic model Jeff!!... Very clean model, well built and painted. The only suggestion I have (and I'm sure you would of done it eventually) would be to give the base edge a coat of paint or stain. thanks for sharing, Frank
JUL 08, 2008 - 08:23 AM
Beautiful models! Wonderful display! Excellent water! I love it!
JUL 17, 2008 - 04:01 PM
Ahoi Jeff! good to see you building a ship model again! Great looking build all round! -agree with Rui that some crew populating the scene would add to the realism! Jim Baumann
JUL 19, 2008 - 12:32 AM