Hood VS. Bismark, in 1/350

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MSW Crew-mate Kostas Katseas sends in a duo build in 1/350 scale, channeling the Battle of the Denmark Strait, in this "On Display" Feature!

Model Details:
HMS Hood-Trumpeter Models, HMS Hood, 1/350 scale, #5302
Photo-etch railing and ladders by LionRoar

DKM Bismark-1/350 scale, DKM Bismarck, Revell Germany, with LionRoar photo-etch additions.

The history...
The Battle of the Denmark Strait was a World War II naval battle between ships of the Royal Navy and the German Kriegsmarine.

The British battleship Prince of Wales and the battlecruiser Hood fought the German battleship Bismarck and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, both of which were attempting to break out into the North Atlantic to destroy Allied merchant shipping.

Less than ten minutes after the British opened fire, a shell from Bismarck struck Hood near her aft ammunition magazines. Soon afterwards Hood exploded and sank within three minutes with the loss of all but three of her crew.

Prince of Wales continued to exchange fire with Bismarck but suffered serious malfunctions in her main armament as the battleship had not fully worked up after being completed in late March 1941. This, combined with the effects of the battle, caused her to break off the engagement.

Bismarck, damaged but still very much operational, declined to chase Prince of Wales and instead headed for the Atlantic along with Prinz Eugen.

Click here for more details!

About the Author

About Kostas Katseas (Angeleyes)