Rangers at Pointe Du Hoc 1944

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"MSW crew-mate Alec Cap (bigal07) sends in an action packed diorama scene in 1/72 scale, entitled "Rangers at Pointe Du Hoc 1944", in this "On Display" Feature!"

This is my ill fated diorama of the US Rangers in 1944 up against the stronghold of the German Axis forces...while over 200 Rangers took part, fewer then 90 came out alive, this was at Pointe Du Hoc.

The Higgins boats and figures are 1-72 scale...the boats are Airfix and Pegasus, and thge sea effect is made from silicone. While you'll have a hard time painting silicone, it is so easy to simply add the paint first, mix with a little cotton-wool, and once dried, then add a little sand pigments where the explosions are for effect.
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About the Author

About Alec Cap (bigal07)


This is feeling rather strange making a comment on my own work. When you read, watch film and believe you can understand why these people died in nothing more then a meat grinder, I can't imagine for a single moment what it must of been like. You have a job, you switch off, and do your best to get the job done. Pointe Du Hoc was a blood bath, and while thinking how I was going to keep this extreme while doing my best to graphically illustrate this, I also tried not to show to much of it, two thirds of those brave men lost their lives that day, so there was no way I could build this like a day at the seaside, if this diorama is offensive to anyone, I make NO apologies for it. Thank you for your time.
MAY 11, 2010 - 10:18 PM