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Official Enterprise Campaign Thread
Staff MemberCampaigns Administrator
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Colorado, United States
Joined: January 19, 2008
KitMaker: 3,909 posts
Model Shipwrights: 255 posts
Posted: Monday, December 31, 2012 - 02:51 AM UTC
This will be the official thread for the Enterprise Campaign, which starts tomorrow. If you wish to join up, the enlist page is here. Can the administrator please create a gallery for us, I don't believe I can do that. Thanks!

Staff MemberCampaigns Administrator
Visit this Community
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 19, 2008
KitMaker: 3,909 posts
Model Shipwrights: 255 posts
Posted: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 - 02:29 PM UTC
OK, guess I jumped the gun a bit. Here's the official thread for the Enterprise Campaign. Please post at that thread from now on.

Have at it Big E fans!
