General Ship Modeling: Bases & Water Effects
These topics dealing with buidling bases and water effects are grouped together
Bow wave
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Quebec, Canada
Joined: January 01, 2004
KitMaker: 7,600 posts
Model Shipwrights: 833 posts
Posted: Tuesday, March 01, 2016 - 08:09 PM UTC
I've done bow waves and water effects with some success in small scales such as 1/350 and 1/700. I'm currently building Revell 1/72 S-Boat and if I place in a water dio, I would like to show it moving at speed. Absorbant cotton will not work in this scale, only as spray. I've used Celluclay, plaster, bran, etc for the smaller scales, but these will not hold up or retain their shape for larger scales. Without resorting to fiberglass and resins, any suggestions?