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The latest from Kombrig is a u-boat from the First World War. SM UC-56 was a German Type UC II minelaying submarine or U-boat in the German Imperial Navy (German: Kaiserliche Marine) during World War I.
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Another destroyer kit for Czarist Russia. Two ships of this type of boat were made - the Yanchikhe and Suchena. Completed in 1889, they served until 1911.
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All the rage towards the end of the 19th century, navies of the world had to have torpedo boat designs that launched the new self propelled torpedo weapons. These two boats here were of a two-funnel design similar to the French Dragon class of torpedo boat.
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Combrig Models has announced 4 new 1/350 models of 3 great World War I dreadnoughts. The ships released are the Baden, Bayern and Tiger.
  • Voltaire
Patrol the North Atlantic in search of the Kaiser’s Navy in these beautiful yet deadly French warships. Kombrig Models sends us new of two very interesting releases in their World War I era ship line, the 1/700 Danton class Voltaire and the six stack Armored Cruiser Jeanne d'Arc.
KomBrig Ships sends us news of their upcoming releases for the summer.