Saturday, September 01, 2007 - 01:24 AM UTC
Patrol the North Atlantic in search of the Kaiser’s Navy in these beautiful yet deadly French warships. Kombrig Models sends us new of two very interesting releases in their World War I era ship line, the 1/700 Danton class Voltaire and the six stack Armored Cruiser Jeanne d'Arc.
The Danton class were a class of French Pre-Dreadnought battleships built between 1907-1911, which served in World War I.
These ships were unusual in that they combined turbine propulsion machinery with a Pre-Dreadnought armament. They were designed by L'Homme for the 1906 programme and were a considerable advance on previous French ships. They were however overshadowed by HMS Dreadnought which was completed before they were laid down.

  • Displacement: 18,318 tonnes standard, 19763 tonnes full load
  • Length: 144.9 m (475 ft) Beam: 25.8 m (85 ft) Draught: 9.2 m ( 30 ft)
  • Propulsion: 4 shaft Parsons turbines, 26 Bellville or Niclausse coal fired boilers, 22,500 hp
  • Speed: 19.2 knots
  • Protection: 270 mm Belt, 48 mm upper deck, 45 mm lower deck, 300 mm main turrets, 200 mm secondary turrets
  • Complement: up to 923
  • Armament: 4 x 305 mm (12 inch) guns (2 × 2)
  • 12 x 240 mm (9.4 inch) guns (6 × 2)
  • 16 x 75 mm guns, 10 47 mm guns
  • 2 x 450 mm Torpedo tubes

Jeanne D'arc was built at Toulon and laid down October 1896, launched June 1899 and finally completed 1902. Jeanne D'arc was the first large armoured Cruiser. but was poorly armed. a slightly strange appearance with a projecting ram which was slightly above the waterline, and six funnels in two groups of three quiet far apart. Captured Ruad Island with the battleship Jaureguiberry in 1915 and rescued Armenians from the Turks in September 1915. (Gallipoli Campaign) Escorted convoys towards the end of the war. Taken off active in February 1933 and broken up in 1934.

  • Displacement: 1,092 tons
  • Speed 21.8 Knots. (was designed to do 23 knots but never made this speed)
  • Compliment: 651
  • Armament: two 7.6 inch Guns
  • Fourteen 5.5 inch Quick Firing M1893 Guns
  • Sixteen 2 pounder
  • Six One pounder
  • Two 18-inch Torpedo Tubes.
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Christmas has come early this year, I've put my order in for a couple of these wonderful ships from Combrig. Cheers, Peter F
SEP 04, 2007 - 12:36 AM
I have my order in to Pacific Front for one of each kit!! Pre-dreads forever!
SEP 05, 2007 - 11:29 AM

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  • jeannedarc3
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