Creating Water From Foil

Step 1…
Unroll the aluminum foil and lay your base down on it. Cut out a piece of foil slightly larger than your base.

Step 2…
Set the base aside. At this point, decide how choppy your water will be. If it's a fairly serene scene, you may not have to do anything with the foil as the small crumple already in it may be enough. However, if you want choppier water, roll up the foil into a loose ball.

Be sure not to roll it up too tight as it may become hard to unroll without tearing the aluminum. Just keep rolling up and unrolling the aluminum until you have the amount of chop you want.

Step 3…
Decide what kind of water coverage you want on your base. If you want the water to go right up to the edge of the base, fold the foil's edge inward to match the dimensions of the base (laying the base on top of the foil can help you start the line to fold).

If you decide you want some of the base to be seen as a border, fold in the edges more until you have the amount of base visible that you want.

About the Author

About Dade W. Bell (Karybdis)

I'm a third generation modeler who builds a little of everything (mostly Japanese)- all while being a 45 year old hermit who lives a happy, simple life, with my fiancée (author Jaclyn Dolamore) and three cats. My father was an MM3 aboard the USS Saratoga (CVA-60), my grandfather was in one of the...


FEB 22, 2009 - 03:13 AM
Looks a heck of a lot easier, safer, and cheaper than resin. I may have to try that with the pibber build I'm doing. Thanks for the heads up Jim!!
FEB 22, 2009 - 05:24 AM
Nice technique and nicely presented. I think I might just ahve to give this a try! (after about a bazallion models on the ways already)
FEB 27, 2009 - 11:59 AM
If anyone knows, does the foil keep its shape better after all the paint, glue, and clearcoats are applied or will you just have to be very gentle with the display from that point onward?
DEC 18, 2011 - 09:34 AM
What a great idea Jim, As Ed said,looks a lot easier than the resin and everything else I've tried. Thanks Tom
DEC 19, 2011 - 11:07 AM