Making a Calm Sea Water-base

  • move
"MSW crew-mate Guido Hopp (tailor) shares a step-by-step method of creating a calm sea water base for your builds, in this MSW Feature!"

in the beginning...
As opposed my recent step-by-step “Perfect Storm” diorama article, I want to show you a possible method of creating a perfectly calm sea. Again, this not another method that will see you finished within an afternoon.

I start out by choosing the proper size for my display, and cut it from a hard-foam insulation board (Styro-foam will do!) Using sanding paper I create a shallow trough (about 3mm deep and 12 cm wide) running diagonally across the display (red lines). Next, choose the place for the ship and other boats and mark their positions.

I use a diamond sanding disk on my Dremel-tool to create the cavity which will hold the hull. There is a lot of dirt created by this, so best use the vacuum cleaner right along.

About the Author

About Guido Hopp (Tailor)

Too old to be young. Too young to be old. Happily married, one son. Living just North of the German Ruhr area . Trying to concentrate on ship models, but having way too many soft spots for other fields of interest. Please remember: Vee Jermans hef no sense of humor (at least Dave of WEM says so) ...


very good to see how someone else might tackle this subject, and very well explained, and executed by Guido. Thank you. Peter F
APR 08, 2010 - 01:36 AM
Very well done and illustrated, this is an instant bookmark! Thanks for taking the time to put this together; will add it to my list of water-bases to try! cheers
APR 12, 2010 - 02:04 AM
Nice walk trough - thanks, lots of inspiration. Cheers/Jan
APR 12, 2010 - 03:27 AM