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Aoshma 350 Myoko open box review
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Texas, United States
Joined: September 15, 2002
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Posted: Monday, September 14, 2009 - 07:02 AM UTC
My Myoko came in today and I did my usual open it up and look at what you get. Parts are the usual, plentiful and tons of them. Extras include 2 types of stand one of which gives you everything you need for a bolt down version (all you have to do is punch the hole out) and a standard set it down stad. You ger ahchor chain and a very small fret of PE . There are two additinal PE sets. The first had a few tower replacements, catapault and thosenifty little radio towers on the main guns, the second is the railings. I got the railings and was not happy at how much they were. for what I got. LIke that the main directions show you hre the parts go as oppossed to trying to work them in using 2 or 3 sets of directions. Ladders will hae to be gtten from other PE sets as neither one had any of that. I got a set of Cruiser detail parts which had catapaults and cranes and the like and you can get sets of railings so my recommendation is to skip buying the Aoshma ones as they are like $30 each.You can probably scratch out the radio towers out of tube strips from Evergreen pretty easily. Has the usal decals claer parts and full scale color sheet. I'm not up on all specifics nd detail of the vessel, but bet this is pretty darn accurate and the usually difficulty.
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Queensland, Australia
Joined: October 03, 2006
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Posted: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 - 12:31 AM UTC
The kit looks great, but I to am very disappointed with the P/E sets, in fact, I'd go as far as saying they are crap! Seems like they started with the usual catapult , a couple of towers, some ladders and then thought " Bugger it, that'll do, let em' sort the rest out" I'm just glad I have about 5kg's of IJN spares in a box.
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Texas, United States
Joined: September 15, 2002
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Posted: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 - 07:38 AM UTC
I felt kind of cheated. Spent all that money on waht was labeled common parts, I expected railings towers and the catapault, sort of what was on bth the sheets. Well They goofed there. NO more company PE for me, other cmpanies are making railings, catapaults , cranes and ladders for a fraction of what they are charging. MOre for less....what a concept. And like you, I've got lots of spare parts left over . The basic kit is prety good. I don't work aboutlittle inaccuracies and the like. I am also not someone that replaces half the kit with PE to fine tune it a bit. I kind of prefer the sturdiness of the slightly thicker less delicate plastic which holds up a wee bit better when one handles the kit
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Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Joined: September 17, 2008
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Posted: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 - 02:46 PM UTC
That is not the first time one turns out to be diappointed with additional manufacturer parts.
I received my Nagara with those PE parts as preordered and we better do not talk about the 2 sets of PE provided.
I might start figuring how to make my own PE if that sort of attitude will continue.