Ships by Class/Type: Submarines
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The Kilo...so far
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Kansas, United States
Joined: November 18, 2003
KitMaker: 2,242 posts
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Posted: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 04:48 PM UTC
This is how the Kilo looks so far. I was disappointed with the bow seam. I couldn't seem to get rid of it without obliterating the bow tube doors. I'll shoot it with gloss and add the decals, then weather and spray with flat. I'll be taking my time on the weathering I think. I'd really like to see how close I can replicate a photo of a Kilo that appears on the Russian sub site.

Anyway, here it be:

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Lisboa, Portugal
Joined: February 28, 2002
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Posted: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 10:15 PM UTC
Ahoy Steve!

If you are interested you can rescribe the torpedo tube doors... it's easy and it will make a difference (at least for you!!!!)

In general and from what I can see from the pic you have donne a good job!

Finnaly this weekend I am going to restart modeling again
I have to finish:
SLC Maiale (about 5 more hours of work)
Marder (about 20 hours of work)
Hai (a lot of work - I haven't started it!!!!)

Keep up the good work Steve!!!!!
