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LionRoar Super Detail set for the IJN Mikasa
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Ontario, Canada
Joined: September 15, 2005
KitMaker: 1,901 posts
Model Shipwrights: 934 posts
Posted: Friday, February 24, 2006 - 01:33 AM UTC
I just picked up the LionRoar set for the Hasegawa 350th IJN Mikasa. It is stunning! Nine frets of Photo-etch, with stunning detail. Scaled chain. Turned barrels for not only the main turret guns, but also the secondary casemate guns, a total of 18 barrels, all beutifully tapered and hollowed. The PE railings has a slightest hint of a sag, perfectly done! Five page instructions, clearly illustrated, in full english completes the package, which is encased in a sturdy box. It's pricy, but then again, when was the last time anything in 350th wasn't ?!? ( $105CDN )

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Texas, United States
Joined: September 15, 2002
KitMaker: 8,985 posts
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Posted: Friday, February 24, 2006 - 04:25 AM UTC
Lion's Roar is definitely blowing the other PE sets out of the water. I got the one for the North Carolina ( I was able to pick it up at a discount thank goodness. It was a tad more expense than a WEM, but had twice as much stuff)). It has the gun tubes for primary and secondary, propellers, anchor chain, and a ton of frets that give you detailed radars, catapults, cranes and all sorts of fixures and railings. I imagine when the Hood and Alabama come out they'll produce sets for these. I wonder if GMM, Tom's, and WEM are going to step up to the plate.