Wednesday, November 23, 2005 - 05:33 AM UTC
A few months ago, we ran the story on Mig Productions latest (and surprising entrance!) into the Warship field, with nothing less than a Russian Bronekater patrol boat in 1/35th scale... Now it seems, the Bronekater is back in a slightly different format...
Initially I had doubts as to where to post this story as it's a Warship, but also an incredible centerpiece for a diorama...

The 'original' (full-hull) kit, can be seen: HERE!!!

MP 35-259 HALF SUNK Bronekater 1125 1/ 35th Scale At this point, it is perhaps better to use some of the material which 'Mig' has just sent me:

MIG Productions now has an alternative for all the fans of our 1/35th scale Russian Bronekater boat. Our half sunken Bronekater adds multiple angles to this successful kit, giving it a new look of originality. The model is designed in a manner that displays it resting at an angle with the rear submersed. This kit will add a
fantastic and chaotic appearance to any Eastern Front shoreline diorama.

Our Half Sunk Bronekater is manufactured to the exact same level of quality that made our first Bronekater so successful. The kit is well cast in high-quality resin.

The cut hull sits absolutely flat on the ground containing no distortion in the larger components. This boat is accurately designed containing the detailed armoured
cabin, three turrets and numerous hatches. A section containing a large shell hole
is also included with coloured step-by-step instructions showing how to install this
part into the deck. Metal chains for the railings and other accessories are included
to insure the modeller a quick accurate build.

The is avaiable now at a price of 180 Euros

My thanks, in the compilation of this story, go to Miguel 'Mig' Jimenez for sending me photos and text of their new releases.

The Mig Productions' website, can be seen: HERE

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