Monday, July 14, 2008 - 01:03 AM UTC
  • navywordoftheday
Not the kind you spend but the meeting that takes place every morning for every division of the ship. Just before quarters something called officers call takes place. At officers call they learn what the captain expects of the ship that day and then that is pass on to the enlisted sailors, this takes place at quarters.
Every enlisted sailor form each division assembles in a certain spot every morning. This is normally just after colors, 8:00am. At quarters you will learn what the ship is doing that day and a head count is taken. The only people not at quarters are those actually standing watch.

While in port main engineering met on the helo deck and underway we met in central control. Our two officers would talk to us and we would learn different things the captain expected from the ship and of us.

Most of the time it only lasted 10-15 minutes, sometimes things could drag out much longer. There were times when every other division was done and main engineering would still be standing there having the CHENG tell us how bad our passage ways looked and that berthing could use a fresh coat of paint. It never failed that engineering would get hacked on for its passageways. 99% of the time we were just too darn busy making the ship go through the water to mop and wax some passage way.

These type of meetings are very similar to sales, production, and safety meetings we all have to attend every day. 95% of the stuff is worthless and 5% is needed. So we spend half an hour to get 5 minutes worth of good information.

But every once and a while the Navy did things right. Instead of passing the word for quarters you would hear the phrase, “Muster on Station.” Pretty much stay where you are and make sure everyone is there. For me it didn’t matter, the oil lab was right next door to central anyway.
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