Tuesday, August 05, 2008 - 01:14 AM UTC
  • navywordoftheday
This person is the Secretary of the Navy. The secretary is a civilian who oversees the entire Department of the Navy, this includes the USMC as well. This position was a cabinet position until 1947 when the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines were all centralized under the department of Defense.

The Department was very important in the early days of the nation. Since trade was done over the ocean and problems could arise within the trading fleet, a Navy was of utmost importance. Not only to protect US trading ships, but to also project power around the globe.

The Secretary of the Navy is responsible for, and has the authority under Title 10 of the United States Code, to conduct all the affairs of the Department of the Navy, including: recruiting, organizing, supplying, equipping, training, mobilizing, and demobilizing. The Secretary also oversees the construction, outfitting, and repair of naval ships, equipment and facilities. SECNAV is responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies and programs that are consistent with the national security policies and objectives established by the President and the Secretary of Defense.

Many people assume the US Coast Guard is also under the Navies control, gut this is not true. The USCG is currently under control of Department of Homeland Security. The Navy does exercise control over limited USCG activities, but these are specialized and normally focused toward the current War on Terror or narcotics interdiction.

Some notable past SecNavs include, Benjamin Stoddert, first SecNav under John Adams. Josephus Daniels, under Wilson, turned the Navy dry and possibly helped coin, “A cup of Joe.” Susan Livingstone, only acting as, but also the only woman ever to hold the office, 8 days total. Charles Francis Adams III, namesake of the Charles F. Adams class DDG.

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