Tuesday, September 23, 2008 - 01:45 AM UTC
Living the Dream
  • navywordoftheday
Sailors have days when it does not matter how dedicated to the Navy they are things are just plain old FUBAR. So they will either use the term a “Fine Navy Day” or “Living the dream” to express their displeasure.

“Petty Officer Adams how are you doing today?” inquires Senior Chief Penix.

“Living the dream, Senior!” Petty officer Adams shoots back as he stomps off the refuel the helo, again.

See, it really is a backward term of happiness.

Many a day when things just never went right this phrase would be said more than once. There were even those bold enough to say this to one of the officers, I was never so bold.

Some people enlist in the Navy dreaming of those tales of drunken romps in exotic lands far away from the moral code of their mothers, but when reality sets in they soon learn that the Navy is not some extended frat party gone crazy. Hard work, long hours, lack of sleep, lack of pay, and cramped conditions can make some people tire of the dream and want to move on.

When others enlist in the Navy they know it will be hard and not a big party. But even these people can soon wear out and want the dream to be over. Any veteran will be sure to tell you it is not all fun and games. Yes, there are times when it is cut up time and others when you are 110% wide open for 24 hours or more.

To me the dream was hard to see a times. Working 12 hours then during my time off watch the darn helo was flying and it was day time. I was worn out after two weeks of this and when liberty came it was sleep time for me. No matter the sailor the dream is different for everyone. I miss living the dream.

To all those who have lived it and are still living it I thank you!
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Bringing back memories, indeed! I had a SAR mission that made me stay awake for 72 hours! Our ship was on SAR reserve, I was on duty the day we got the call to assist a sinking cargo ship (the SAR ship was sent to the area to rescue the survivors), so... I spent all the night calling the crew that were on leave aboard (before cell phones!), at 0730 we set sail with the ones aboard (two thirds of the crew), got a lot of "crappy weather" (to say the least), went to the disaster area, picked up some corpses (we were able to pick three crew members), sail back to Lisbon and went to the area again and finally, the next day return to base - when I got home I sleep 36 hours in a row (with the occasional bath room raid). Living the dream, Sir! Thanks Jim Rui
SEP 23, 2008 - 05:25 AM

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