Weaving Extended Rope Bumpers

As you can see from the picture, I have already progressed to about 7 inches worth of weave. The tool you see that I use for weaving is something I learned from local fishermen who use a version of this tool to mend or make fishing nets. I think they call it a fish net making shuttle. I took a piece of styrene sheet and cut it up with pointed edges. The pointed edges help me string through the cords. I rolled up a length of cord in this tool to help me in the weaving process. This tool helps prevent getting a “birds nest” and keeps everything smooth and neat. Cool, huh?

The green pencil, I selected to allow me to see the cord much better while weaving. It also serves the purpose of keeping the size of the fender consistent throughout the weaving process. As you weave, you can rotate the pencil to see the strings on the other side of the pencil, or rotating one of the wooden bases will also do the trick. The colored pencil also allows me to see if my weave pattern is correct. As you can see, I made several weaves at varying distances to make sure the pattern is correct.

After making about 8 weaves, I take the pencil out and use the shuttle tool to push the weave in. You can also do this by hand along with the help of the shuttle tool to push. Make sure that the strings are aligned before you do this step.

Above, is the weave nicely tucked with the rest of the fender. After about a 1.5-2 inch length of weave, I fill it with strips of foam for the fender to maintain its shape. Then I continue weaving. My estimate is that you’ll need about 9 inches for the bow, port and starboard side bumpers for the Bronco LWS and maybe about 7 for the stern. The whole assembly, I will brush with white glue when it’s done.

Oh, if you’re wondering why I used pink yarn, that’s what was available at home. I intend to dye the finished weave or dunk it in brewed coffee to get that Manila rope color. Pretty in pink isn’t she?
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About the Author

About Hory Aycardo (hardright)


Normally I would not be too into the pink, but my tune has changed in the last year, but enough of that. That is one very interesting skill to have. Thank your for sharing you process with us.
AUG 25, 2008 - 02:43 AM
This is a very cool solution to the problem that I was having, that is finding needles long enough and of the proper gauge to facilitate the length of the bumper/fender that you are trying to make...I really like the idea, and the end product is very good looking!
AUG 25, 2008 - 05:23 AM
That is a very cool idea! Thanks for sharing it with us. Kenny
AUG 25, 2008 - 06:20 AM
I just love these "do it yourself" feature - nice work!
AUG 25, 2008 - 06:29 AM
Very interesting process. It gave rise to an old skill I learned in the Boy Scouts when I did the Pioneering Merit Badge. It was called ropemaking. Seeing his jig recalled it. We would attach pieces of twine at one end and at the other end there would be a block that we would thread them through. (Actually, you would thread first then attach). You would then turn the crank attached to the thread through end thus twisting the pieces together. Of course you kept tension on the line and just kept moving the crank section further back. When you got your length you cut and whipped it and repeated the process several times. After you had several woven sections you would run those through a larger version of the "rope machine" and thus make a rope. If you did this it would all make sense, or read about the process as described in the book, I am relying on a 38 year memory. I wuld think putting a something like a thin stiff wire for bendability in the middle and using thin sewing thread with 5 - 7 pieces might also do the trick. Me, I'm lazy, I found lion roar has released a resin kit that runs $15 with free shipping from Lucky models and I also ordered it before I saw this article.
AUG 25, 2008 - 07:26 AM
Indeed we are always learning new (or remembering, after reading Mark's own feature) techniques! Apart from the already mentioned color issue (we could always try to find a more rope looking color) all that is missing now is seing the end result in the LWS! Thanks for sharing Rui
AUG 25, 2008 - 07:30 AM
Gents, thanks so much. I think if you use white cord for this purpose and then dunk it in a cup of day old left over brewed coffee (no milk or sugar), you can achieve the rope color you're looking for.
AUG 25, 2008 - 12:10 PM
This is beautiful work! Bravo Zulu! For those of us interested in the LWS, but having too meaty fingers, Lion Roar just recently released a resin bumper. Just wanted to let you know! Guido
AUG 27, 2008 - 04:33 PM
Interesting technique, well presented. With Mark's, all bases are covered.
AUG 30, 2008 - 05:47 PM