Building the Beast!

Now that the conning tower was 98% complete I decided to focus on the main hull. I once again mounted the beast into the jaws of my Workmate. I laid the deck plates on top and noticed that the hull was slightly narrower than the plates. I would need to cut spreaders to establish the correct width. Using some thick balsa wood strips, I cut and “epoxyed” them into place. The hull was now the correct width to receive the deck plates when the time came.

From the beginning I decided to add a fake pressure hull to this beast. If built per the kit instructions, you can look all the way to the bottom of the hull thru the deck plates! For the money, totally unacceptable! The question was how to do it? I got a few suggestions from the gang on Armorama, (Thanks Skipper) but decided the best and easiest way was to simply super-glue sheet styrene to one side of the hull. Once dry, push the other side into place, thereby creating a curve on the top, and then super glue the other side in place. I initially tried this with some longer pieces of sheet styrene and it was hard to maintain the curve in one spot, while moving to glue another one. I then figured that if I cut the pieces into smaller, more manageable pieces it would work. And work it did. I had a few hang ups here and there, but over all it went pretty smooth. I rummaged thru my bits and pieces box for tubing of various sizes and lengths. I pretty much cleaned it out and I was still short!

After a short trip to the closet Hobby Town I was armed with more tubing. I laid them in place along the length and cut others to place across the hull. There were a few gaps between some of the sheets, and tubing here and there. I filled these with Aves Apoxy and all was good. A good 2 hours after I started, the pressure hull, although fake, was complete. I decided it was time for a beer while everything was drying.

Returning to the hull I found that things had dried enough for some paint. Grabbing a can of Krylon Flat Black I went to work painting. I got a good even coat wherever I saw white staring back at me, and even in a couple of areas I didn’t. While the paint was drying, I went to work on the deck plates. Using some course sanding sticks I removed the brass “nubs” that were left from removing them from the frets. The deck plates were supposed to be soldered together, but I decided not to. I began at the bow and worked my way back. The plates didn’t want to cooperate in some areas so I convinced them to and continued. By the time I reached the stern I was faced with another problem. For some reason the plates at the stern didn’t fit the width of the hull anymore. They were too wide. Again, what to do?

End of Part One
  • Andrea Miniatures 1/32 Type VII-C U-boat -013
  • Andrea Miniatures 1/32 Type VII-C U-boat -012
  • Andrea Miniatures 1/32 Type VII-C U-boat -011

About the Author

About Matthew Quiroz (Red4)

After a several year break from the hobby I have happily returned to it. Slowly, but surely getting my mojo back.


Hi I loved reading part one of this build. I enjoyed the authors style of writing and presentation. I can't wait to see part two. Well done Matthew. Plus I can't wait to see what he does to Revell's 1/72nd U Boat in the future. Regards Sean
JAN 04, 2006 - 07:19 PM
Thanks for the great Feature, Matthew, can't wait to read the following also...man, what a beast! Gunny
JAN 04, 2006 - 07:38 PM
Great article Matt, Interesting about the glues not holding. Now for the $100,000 dollar question. Are you glad it's done and would you ever do another?
JAN 05, 2006 - 12:30 AM
Great article Matt. Proud to have you as a modler in the 'Springs. Guys I've seen this "Beast." No pictures can do it justice. Matt should load this puppy up and take her on the road and charge addmission to it.
JAN 05, 2006 - 03:37 AM
Thanks for all of the kind words guys. Steve, if I had the chance to build one again, I know where I would change a lot of things. Do I want to build one again...not no, but hell no. Just too large to handle. I had more near death experiences with this thing that I wanted. Its nice to have it under my belt though. If I hear somebody talking about it, I will know and feel their pain...lol. Glad you all liked the first article. Hope you enjoy the second installment. "Q"
JAN 05, 2006 - 04:30 AM
good lord you must be mental :-) :-) that is a really, really incredible project and a massive undertaking - It looks amazing what you've shown so far and I take my hat off to you !!
JAN 06, 2006 - 05:53 PM
I really enjoyed part one of the article. Now that is one AWESOME u-boat! Joe
JAN 09, 2006 - 06:19 AM