Wednesday, August 01, 2007 - 05:31 AM UTC
NEWS in from Eduards Model Accessories, of a very unique and interesting new photo-etch set, "Pacific V-day 2 Sept.1945", 1/350 scale figures and accessories.
  • i2007-08_15
Truly, one of the most interesting sets ever released by Eduard. On the heels of the release of the new set for the USS Missouri battleship, comes a set designed to elevate the Missouri model to a truly extraordinary level.

So, here we find this new 1/350 scale figure set, closely connected with the USS Missouri, set # 53034, Pacific VJ-day, 2nd of Sept.,1945.

The set contains more than 1,500 painted figures, including all Allied delegations, as well as the Japanese delegation, and all the US sailors to occupy the hull and deck - the cameramen, the military music band...simply put, the complete Pacific VJ-day scene on board the Missouri in 1/350 scale.

Priced at $54.95 USD, and available now through Eduard.

Click HERE for a pdf file sneek peek at the instruction sheet!
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WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just what I always wanted....a 350 scale Dougie
AUG 02, 2007 - 06:53 AM
I got a 1/35 one you can have. It will save me from using it as a paper weight. The kit looks incredible, but is it just me or do they remind anybody else of the cut out figures of the townspeople in Blazing Saddles?
AUG 02, 2007 - 11:51 AM
Now that's funny! I think it's a neat idea, but isn't it the usual practice to try to fatten up the flatness of the little fellows with white glue, after bending the little guys to a more natural position? I've always wondered how do you anneal these "pre-painted" parts? Doesn't the paint burn off or flake off when bending? Or do people just not bend them? Kind of defeats the pre-paintedness doesn't it? Especially for things like seat belts.
AUG 02, 2007 - 12:56 PM
Most definitely correct, theory is that Eduard is trying to make these figgie sets more attractive to ALL ship modeler skill levels, not just the more experienced salts who have no problems working with and including a realistic crew on their ship builds with PE figgies... Again, a good point...annealing these would be an impossibility if you would want to keep the "pre-painted" finish...I've used Eduards pre-painted 1/35 scale figure shoulder insignia's before, and they do bend and comply to curves quite easily, as the brass is a bit softer and lighter gauge...I haven't worked with any other of Eduards pre-colored line, so my comments on them, my friend, would only be speculation...good food for thought though, Dave! Cheers, ~Gunny
AUG 02, 2007 - 09:35 PM
I would concur with Mark's specualtions, I would imagine a degree of bendiness due to the thinness and the material. It is that steel photo etch that is a problem for me. I use the brass rails all the time and as long as they aer the true brass versus metal they bend to whatever shape I desire. The steel ones tend to resist and try to spring back into their original shape.
AUG 03, 2007 - 07:50 AM
I have their 1/700 pre-painted naval figure set waiting in the wings for my fleet carrier project. It is an extremely nice set.
AUG 03, 2007 - 08:18 AM

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