1/350 DKM Bismark with WEM PE Set


Warship Pictoral #16 Kriegsmarine Bismarck by Steve Wiper

The Discovery of the Bismarck by Robert Ballard

Bismarck and Tirpits website http://www.bismarck-class.dk

Bismarck website http://www.kbismarck.com

I’d like to dedicate this build to the memory of our dear friend Garry Beebee. His boyish enthusiasm and never ending motivation truly made the ship section of Armorama a joy to visit each day. I always felt like I was in Garry’s house when I checked in and I’ll always think of him when I visit. If you never knew him you missed a lot. God speed Garry.

About the Author

About Mike Taylor (modelguy2)


Wow, I'm really impressed. Good work! I would really like to see this model in real. Those 2cm Flakvierlings looks awesome. Thanks for sharing.
APR 08, 2005 - 02:17 AM
You can always expect first rate work out of Mikes stuff. I would love to see some close ups as well, especially since I plan to do this one for my Dreadnaught campaign. His rigging is exquisite.
APR 08, 2005 - 07:28 AM
Dang, that's one nice looking model. It lives up to the often claimed, but not always seen, "museum quality." Then I saw Mike's bio saying he build models professionally. You can tell. I have one comment, or question. The side camo looks like a photo I've seen of th Bismark where the black and white stripes were painted over for the Atlantic mission, and were basically showing through the paint. At that time the fore and aft swastikas were also painted out. I feel like I'm trying to teach my grandmother to suck eggs but is this paint job strictly accurate?
APR 08, 2005 - 07:48 AM
I think the swaztikas were covered with a canvas. The fact that they're clearly visible on the wreck lead me to this conclusion. Still could be wrong.
APR 08, 2005 - 11:10 AM
I believe that is correct in regards to their being covered with a canvas. I'm sorry, by the way Mike, you never cease to amaze me with your ships. Truly. I noted that you brought up the swastika issue. I've always wondered about that, I thought perhaps that they were red and the gray question emerged after the relocation of the Bismarck. Afterall, at the time, at least to me, it stood to reason that they would appear gray since red light is absorbed at those depths and that in order for the red to be visable that they would need to be so many feet away with the flood lights or cameras to reflect the red. Anyway, I was just curious as to where this question arose.
APR 08, 2005 - 11:38 AM
Hello Mike Although I edited and published the article I din't had the chace to say: Congrarulations on the model and on the article! A+ work and writing!! It was a joy working on it, and it really made me would like to see the model "in person" Thanks for dedicating it to Garry Keep'm commin' (models and articles) Skipper
APR 08, 2005 - 01:07 PM
Fantastic! The Bismark is right up therewith my favorite ships. Great job. Thanks for sharing!
SEP 24, 2007 - 12:17 PM